Property Committee
Responsible for the general upkeep and maintenance of the building and grounds. There are often repairs/adjustments that could be made by "handy" members or those that have a profession (carpenter, plumber, etc.) instead of going outside of the membership and hiring a "professional". Please let Clarence Brown or another member of council know.
Christian Education
Sunday School, Vacation Bible School (VBS) and many other special events. Some of them take very little time, but are more of an "energy" commitment! Currently the Sunday School meets during worship service, following the Children's Message to the Hymn of the Day (about 30 minutes). Please call the office if you would like to take part in this fun event!
Fellowship time following worship is one of the most important facets of our church. Not only is there an abundance of goodies, but more importantly a great opportunity for conversation and getting to know each other better. We can really use your support so that we can continue this very worthwhile ministry. Coffee, tea, water and drinks for the kids along with donuts, cookies, or other goodies are the menu. Weekly contributions support the costs. Please call the office to lend a helping hand.
Worship & Music
Meets monthly to review the upcoming schedule of regular and special worship services.
- Altar Guild - take care of setting up for worship, cleaning up afterward, changing the paraments (altar cloth, banners). There are about four people that do this now. More help makes less individual work. See Linda Murray or Cindy Phillips.
- Lector - Read the first and second lessons and sometimes lead the Psalm reading
- Acolytes -
- Assisting Ministers and Communion Assistants - help the pastor during worship.
Helping Hands
While not an "official" committee, Helping Hands is a group of women who gather to help out in numerous ways. The help prepare the newsletter for distribution, help with funeral dinners and make chow-chow every year.
Dresses & Britches
Another "non-official" committee headed by Glenda Givens has been around for several years. They make dresses and other children's clothing that is forwarded to children in some of the more impoverished areas of our country. Sewing, cutting material, drawing patterns, etc. are all part of what these women do. This are other members of the group that are not from St. Paul's. Call the office for more information.